Friday, November 30, 2012

What to Expect

Hello and welcome to Life in Strips.

If you are reading this...thank you. In the words of Wayne Campbell, "I'm not worthy!"

I've been thinking about blogging for awhile, but never got around to it...until now. When I first decided on what this blog was going to be about, I pictured myself compiling material strictly based on comic books--hence the title (credit goes to my wife, who actually thought of it). Don't get me wrong, there will be a lot of that, but I'm also going to throw some random thoughts into the mix as well.

Let's dive right in!  I'm just going to start off by saying that introductions can sometimes be awkward. Plus, you're always so concerned about making a good first impression that you may overlook the simplicity of it. So, I'm not going to bore you with the details of my life. I'm just going to give you a quick overview of what to expect.

For the handful of people who might actually read this--and I may be generous in saying handful--it's going to go a little something like this:

Every Wednesday I pick up a stack of comics. Some purchases are bigger than others and mainly consist of DC and Marvel. I usually read them all over a two-three day period.

On the following Monday (I'm hoping), I will do a list of my "Top Five" for the week.

Most people will probably be like, "Who cares," or "I don't even like comics...they're for nerds." And that's fine. I'm doing this blog because I hope to get enjoyment out of it. If I attract someone new to comics--even better.

So, I'm going to leave it at that. Hope to see you again.

Happy reading,

Eric   Follow me on Twitter 

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